No man can be provident of his time who is not prudent in the choice of his company. - Jeremy Taylor
Let those be thy choicest companions who have made Christ their chief companion. - Thomas Brooks
He is your friend who pushes you nearer to God. - Abraham Kuyper
“Faith in a prayer-hearing God will make a prayer-loving Christian. The coming revival must begin with a great revival of prayer. It is in the closet, with the door shut, that the sound of abundance of rain will first be heard. An increase of secret prayer with ministers will be the sure harbinger of blessing.“ – Andrew Murray
The Revival Hymn
A powerful compilation that will encourage your hunger to seek the Lord, and be a reminder to make sure your motive is pure in that holy pursuit.
Are you hungry?
What does spiritual hunger look like?
The power of a father's blessing
A biblical message that has changed many lives about understanding the power of a father’s blessing, and our responsibility as men to give it.
The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender - William Booth
A call to anguish
From the video description, “With vulnerability and deep anguish in his delivery, David Wilkerson gives this soul-stirring sermon on the necessity of anguish—to bear God's heart, passion, and burden within our lives. Today many of our churches and lives are looking ever more like the world—a coldness has swept in—a sign of ruin that is slowly draining spiritual power and passion. Wilkerson says there will be no renewal, no revival, no awakening, until we are willing to seek after God and allow Him to break us. A true prayer life begins with the baptism of anguish—and it is in the midst of anguish that we find true joy.”
The Judgement Seat of Christ
In this excerpt from Ravenhill’s sermon he addresses the reality of 2 Corinthians 5:10 that believers too will be judged. Not for salvation but for gain or loss of reward, to see if our works have proven to be gold, silver and precious stones or if it will be wood, hay and stubble. Let us live in light of eternity.
Run for your life
A short excerpt from Carter Conlon’s soul stirring message the first Sunday after September 11th, 2001.
“The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.”― D.L. Moody
The shocking lesson in the book of Job
“Jobs Faith Triumphant Over Experience” by Dr. John Phillips, one of the best expositional messages on Job you’ll ever hear. Will Job’s theology triumph over his experience or will his experience triumph over his theology?
The power of the Gospel
Message starts at 1 hr. 7 min. Let your faith be stirred and rekindled.
Learning to pray through the Tabernacle
A powerful teaching from Dr. David Yonggi Cho that if applied, will transform your prayer life.
E.V. Hill preaches his wife's eulogy
One of the most powerful messages you’ll hear of trusting in the Lord when things don’t make sense. E.V. Hill gives a eulogy at his wife’s funeral you will not forget. One of the most listened to radio programs in Focus on the family’s history.