A vision to see men encounter the Lord, connect as brothers, be equipped… and have fun.

What the “Encounter weekends” are about…


Why this vision?

What else will be more impactful than to see men sold out for the Lord?  The impact it has on families, and churches is significant and far reaching.  What else makes sense as a priority?

The impact of fathers

Fatherlessness or lack of a godly father figure is connected to most of our societies issues; abortion, atheism, crime, gender confusion, prideful obstinance, relationships seen as dispensable, etc…

An encounter

Our prayer is for each man to have an encounter with the Lord, because once men have an encounter with God they will never be the same.


True brotherhood

Once men experience a true brotherhood they will better understand the value of it and contend for it where the Lord has placed them.

To be further equipped

Once men receive some tools that will help in their lives, they will feel more confident to take on the challenges that being a man brings as a husband, father and servant leader.

If not now, when?

There is an urgency in this hour of history like never before. The question is, “What are you going to do about it?”  The enemy has captivated many men’s hearts. Why are we as the church not believing and contending for them to be captivated for the King of glory?


Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire? – C.S Lewis